Minggu, 18 Mei 2014


Mata Pelajaran            : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester            : VIII/ I
Alokasi Waktu             : 2 X 40 Menit
Keterampilan               : Speaking
  1. Standar Kompetensi
Mengungkapakan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
2.      Kompetensi Dasar
Memahami dan merespon percakapan transaksional ( to get things done ) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi)  sederhana dengan mengunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar  untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dengan mengunakan ungkapan pernyataan agree/disagree baik secara lisan maupun secara tulisan.
3.      Tujuan
1.      Siswa dapat mengungkapkan pernyataan agree/disagree baik secara lisan maupun tulisan
2.      Siswa dapat menuliskan pernyataan agree/disagree dengan benar
3.      Siswa dapat menentukan agree/disagree dari dialog yang diberikan dengan benar
4.      Siswa dapat mengungkapkan kembali pernyataan agree/disagree dalam game yang diberikan secara kelompok dengan benar.
4.      Indikator
    1. Siswa dapat mengungkapkan pernyataan agree/disagree.
    2. Siswa dapat menuliskan pernyataan agree/disagree.
    3. Siswa dapat menentukan agree/disagree dari dialog yang diberikan.
    4. Siswa dapat mengungkapkan kembali pernyataan agree/disagree dalam game yang diberikan secara berkelompok.
  1. Materi Pelajaran
Agree and disagree is expression toward our ideas or statements that usually we gave in our life. As we know that people around us sometimes agree/disagree with these ideas or statements.

Expressing Agreement / Disagreement
1)    Saying that you agree:
Ø  Yes, I agree with you
Ø   I think so
Ø  I know what you mean
Ø  That is true
Ø  I agree to do so
Ø  I don’t have any objection to it
Ø  I am with you
2)    Saying that you disagree:
Ø  I don’t agree
Ø  I disagree
Ø  I don’t think so
Ø  I’m not so sure
Ø    Why do you think so?
Ø  I refuse
Ø  I have different opinion
Ø  What make you say it?
A:  “I think, students should not cheating in examination time”
B: “Yes, I agree with you. Cheat can’t measure the students’ comprehension about their lesson”
M:  “Dangerous criminal should be killed”
N:   “I don’t have any objections because the criminal can make any trouble to the other people.”
P:   “I think the government should give more attention to small industries”
Q:   “I think so, because small industries open more job’s opportunity”
Example 2:
A:  “I think, students should not cheating in examination time”
B:  “Really? I’m not sure. Why do you think so?
A: “Well, cheating can’t measure the students’ comprehension about their lesson”
X:  “Studying English is a waste of time.”
Y: I don’t think so, because it can’t waste our time but it will give many advantages.”
Example 3:
Jacob  : “I think the air conditioning is broken.”
Bella    : “I don’t agree. What make you say that?”
6.      Teknik Pembelajaran: Presentation, Practice, Production
  1. Langkah – Langkah kegiatan:
1)    Brain Storming
a)    Guru menunjukkan sebuah gambar kemudian bertanya:
ü  Look at the picture! (terlampir)
ü  What happen in this picture? Or what the picture is talking about?
b)    Guru memberikan pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan topik:
ü  Have you ever seen the case like in this picture?
ü  Have you ever experienced it?
ü       What do you think about that? Do you agree/disagree?
2)    Whilst activity (kegiatan utama)
a)    Presentation
ü  Guru menuliskan pernyataan agree/disagree di whiteboard dan siswa menyalin.
ü    Bersama dengan guru siswa berlatih mengucapkan ungkapan-ungkapan agree/disagree.
b)    Practice
ü  Speaking: Siswa diminta menyampaikan expressions of agree/disagree berdasarkan gambar yang diperlihatkan oleh guru. (gambar terlampir).
Statement pada gambar:
ü  Do you agree/disagree if the students active in the class or annoy their friend.
ü  Do you agree/disagree if Ali is angry and he is smashing around him.

ü  Format dialog untuk agree:
A:  “I think, students should not cheat on examination.”
B: Yes, I agree with you. Chaeting can’t measure the students’ comprehension about their lesson”
ü  Format dialog untuk disagree:
A:  “I think, students should not cheat in examination”
B:  “Really? I’m not sure. Why do you think so?
A: “Well, cheating can’t measure the students’ comprehension about their lesson”
c)    Production
Siswa diminta untuk menyusun secara benar percakapan setuju atau tidak setuju yang diacak oleh guru.
A:  English is very important language                               yes, it certainly is
B:  (1)                              .                                                      I disagree entirely
A:  And it is very easy to learn                                            I wouldn’t say that
B:  Oh,(2)                                             .                                                        do you think so? Why?
C:  English people don’t need to learn foreign languages
(3)                            learning foreign language is important
C:  Oh,(4)                                    .
D:  It helps to understand and make friends with other people.
7.      Sumber Belajar
1)    Gemilang Bahasa Inggris
2)    Look Ahead an English Course 2
3)    Modul Diklat Bahasa Inggris Tingkat 2 semester IV p.21
  1. Media Pembelajaran : Gambar, (terlampir)
  2. Evaluasi

Kunci Jawaban:
-       Do you agree/disagree if the students active in the class or annoy their friend?
Agree:     A: “I think, the student who is active in the class is  good
B:  ”Yes, I  agree with you
Disagree: A: “I think, the students annoy their friends are bad”
B: “I disagree, why do you say like that?”
-       Do you agree/disagree if Ali is angry and he is smashing around him.
Agree: A:“You know, if Ali is angry he is smashing something. I think is not good for our life. Do you think so?”
B: “Yes, I think so
Disagree:A:“You know, if Ali is angry he is smashing something. I think is not good for our life. Do you think so?
B: “No, I am not so sure. What make you say that?”
Production :
  1. Yes, It certainly is
  2. I wouldn’t say that
  3. I disagree entirely
  4. Do you think so? Why?
8.      Assessment
Tes speaking:
  1. Mengungkapkan agree / disagree terhadap gambar dan statement yang diberikan.
Tes tertulis:
  1. Menuliskan ungkapan agree/disagree terhadap gambar yang diberikan
  2. Menuliskan dialog yang mengandung ungkapan agree/disagree.

Rubik penilaian

Elemen yang dinilai
Sekor maksimal
Penilaian peserta didik




Face/body expression


Tulungagung, 31 September 2013
Guru pamong

Anang Dwi C.,S.Pd
NIP. 197712102005011002

Guru Bahasa Inggris

Hanik khoirotun nikmah
NIM. 3213103071

Mata Pelajaran             : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester              : VIII/1
Sekolah                           : Mts Aswaja
Alokasi Waktu               : 2x 40 menit
Keterampilan                 : Speaking
  1. Standar Kompetensi
Mengungkapkan pendapat dalam berkomunikasi sehari-hari baik secara lisan maupun secara tulisan.
2.      Kompetensi Dasar
Mengungkapkan berbagai macam maksud hati yang berupa arguments secara akurat dan lancar dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dengan mengunakan ragam bahasa baik secara tulisan ataupun lisan.
3.      Tujuan
    1. Siswa dapat menuliskan opininya berdasarkan key word yang diberikan denagn baik dan benar
    2. Secara berpasangan siswa dapat menyusun dan mengungkapkan opininya berdasarkan dialog yang diberikan dengan baik dan benar
    3. Siswa dapat menyusun kembali penggunaan asking dan giving opinions berdasarkan tugas yang diberikandengan baik dan benar

4.      Indikator
    1. Siswa dapat menuliskan opininya berdasarkan key word yang diberikan.
    2. Secara berpasangan siswa dapat menyusun dan mengungkapkan opininya berdasarkan dialog yang diberikan.
    3. Siswa dapat menyusun kembali penggunaan asking dan giving opinions berdasarkan tugas yang diberikan.

Materi Pelajaran
Today we will study about expressing opinions. Opinion is feeling, idea or thought about something or somebody. This topic will help us to know how to express our ideas or opinions well, or what we have to say before giving or asking someone’s opinions
There are many ways to express our opinion when speaking English, they are:
  1. Asking opinions:
ü  What do you think about …..? (is used when referring to controversial matters or problems)
ü    What are your views on….? (is used when discussing topics of a wider nature, e.g. marriage, education, etc.)
ü  What is your opinion about ….?
ü  Do you have any idea ….?
ü  I’d like to know your opinion about….
ü   How do you feel about….?

b. Giving Opinions:
ü  In my opinion….
ü  I think that…..
ü  I believe that….
ü  As I see it…..
ü  From my point of view….
ü  To my mind…..
ü  Personally, I think….
ü  Contoh untuk asking opinions:
  1. What do you think of Bali island?
  2. What do you think about polygamy?
  3. What are your views on homework?
  4. What is your opinion about smoking?
  5. How do you feel about playing football?
  6. Do you have any idea about our vacation today?
v   Contoh untuk giving opinions:
  1. I think Bali is the most beautiful island in Indonesia.
  2. Personally, I think many women are not interested to Polygamy.
  3. From my point of views, it is a good idea to guide students to study in their house.
  4. In my opinion, smoking is a bad habit and can cause lungs cancer.
  5. To my mind, football is a most famous sport in around the world.
  6. Well, I believe that go to camping is a challenge activity for our vacation today.
v  Contoh lain:
  1. I think we should get a new car. (Saya pikir kita harus membeli mobil baru)
  2. I don’t think we need one. (Saya pikir kita tidak butuh)
  3. I believe (that) smoking should be outlawed. (Saya setuju – bahwa – merokok harus dilarang)
  4. I don’t believe (that) it should be illegal. (Saya tidak setuju – bahwa – itu ilegal)
  5. In my opinion, Gone with the Breeze is the best movie ever made.(Menurut saya, Gone With The Breeze adalah film terbaik yang pernah dibuat).
  6. I feel that it’s the right thing to do. (Saya pikir itu hal yang tepat untuk dilakukan)
  7. I don’t feel that it’s such a good idea. (Saya tidak menganggap itu ide yang baik)
v  Format dialog:
A: “You know, I think English is an easy language to learn. Don’t you agree?
B: “Well, I’m not sure. Why do you say that?
A: “The grammar rules are very easy. Don’t you think so?
B: “No, Not really. I disagree. In my opinion, English is difficult language
A: “Oh? What make you say that?”
B: “You don’t always pronounce English words the way you spell them
A: “Hmmm. Maybe you are right”

5.      Teknik Pembelajaran: Presentation, Practice, Production
  1. Langkah – Langkah kegiatan:
1)    Brain Storming
Guru mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan kepada siswa, meliputi:
·         What do you know about opinion?
·         Have you ever asking opinions to your friends/ your family?
·         What opinions that you usually asking for?
·         Have you ever giving idea or opinions to your friends or your family?
·         What opinions that you usually giving for?

3)    Whilst activity (kegiatan utama)
  1. Presentation
·         Guru menuliskan ungkapan – ungkapan expressing opinions.
·         Siswa bersama dengan guru membaca ungkapan – ungkapan expressing opinions.
·         Guru memberikan contoh tentang penggunaan asking and giving opinions.
  1. Practice
·         Writing: Siswa menuliskan opininya berdasarkan keywords yang diberikan,yaitu: Pollution, Friendship, Mother, and English.
·         Speaking: Secara berpasangan siswa menyusun dan mengungkapkan opininya berdasarkan format dialog yang diberikan.
  • Dialog yang harus disusun oleh siswa:
1.   A : Popular music today is terribleThe words don’t mean anything and the songs all sound the same.
B : Popular music today is wonderfulThe songs are exciting and the performers are all very talented.
2.   X:  Avocado juice tastes better then orange juiceAvocado is sweeter.
Y: Orange juice tastes much than better avocado juiceOrange juice is more refreshing.
3.  M:  Sinchan is very interesting cartoon movieThe story of the movie is very funny.
N:  Sinchan is bad cartoon movieThe story of the movie gives foul message for children.
4. A: Taxes are too high - Too much of our paycheck goes to the government.
B:  Taxes aren’t too high at all - The government couldn’t pay for Social security and other important programs without our tax dollars.
  1. Production
·         Siswa menyusun kembali penggunaan expressing opinions berdasarkan tugas yang diberikan.
1)  *………………our new teacher?                                  Answer: **…..
2)  ……………..demonstration?                           Answer: ……..
3)  …………….. my new shoes?             Answer: ……..
4)  ……….. … scholarship program for the students?
Answer: ……..
5)  ……………..plants cloning?                Answer: …….
·         Siswa menyempurnakan asking expression opinions
1. A:                       population?
B:  in my opinion,it is very serious   problem.
2. A:                       our new boss?
B:  I believe that he is friendly and honest.
3. A:                   on atomic weapons?
B:  I think it is disastrous to all living  things.
4. A:           his proposal for strikes?
B:  to tell the truth,I am not really interested in them
5.A:            our plan to dismiss him?
B:  I fell that the plan is not unwise.
*Asking opinions:
  1. What do you think of
  2. What do you think about
  3. What are your views on
  4. What is your opinion about

  1. In my opinion, it is a terrible action.
  2. I think it is a comfort shoes.
  3. Personally, I think it is a useful technology to improve the quality and quantity of the plants.
  4. I believe that she/he is friendly and wise.
  5. From my point of view, it is a great program.
5. Sumber Belajar
  1. Gemilang Bahasa Inggris
  2. Stand Out,Standard – Based English
  3. Modul Diklat bahasa Inggris tingkat 2 semester IV P.23
6. Media Pembelajaran :
ü  Picture 
ü   Flashcards
  1. Evaluasi
Match the following questions with the corrects anwers:
1) What do you think about internet?                    Answer: …….
2) What are your views on final examination?     Answer: ……
3) What do you feel about playing chess?             Answer: ……
4) What is your opinion about pollution?              Answer: …….
5) What do you feel about Jazz music?                 Answer: ……
(1)   Well, as I see, it is an unfamiliar music in our country.
(2)   In my opinion, it is a very serious problem for our earth.
(3)   As I see, it can help us to find various kinds of information from all fields.
(4)   I believe that it is an interesting sport to test our brain skill.
(5)   To my mind, it is enough difficult examination for students.

Kunci jawaban:
1. A: “You know, I think Popular music today is terrible. Don’t you agree?
B: “Well, I’m not sure. Why do you say that?
A: “The words don’t mean anything and the songs all sound the same.. Don’t you think so?
B:“No, Not really. I disagree. In my opinion, Popular music today is wonderful
A: “Oh? What make you say that?”
B: “The songs are exciting and the performers are all very talented.”
A: “Hmmm. Maybe you are right”
2. X: “You know, I think Avocado juice tastes better then orange juice. Don’t you agree?
Y: “Well, I’m not sure. Why do you say that?
X: “Avocado is sweeter. Don’t you think so?
Y: “No, Not really. I disagree. In my opinion, Orange juice tastes much than better avocado juice
X: “Oh? What make you say that?”
Y: “Orange juice is more refreshing.
X: “Hmmm. Maybe you are right”
3. M: “You know, I think Sinchan is very interesting cartoon movie. Don’t you agree?
N: “Well, I’m not sure. Why do you say that?
M: “The story of the movie is very funny. Don’t you think so?
N: “No, Not really. I disagree. In my opinion, Sinchan is bad cartoon movie
M: “Oh? What make you say that?”
N: “The story of the movie gives foul message for children.
M: “Hmmm. Maybe you are right”
4. A: “You know, I think Taxes are too high. Don’t you agree?
B: “Well, I’m not sure. Why do you say that?
A: “Too much of our paycheck goes to the government. Don’t you think so?
B: “No, Not really. I disagree. In my opinion, Taxes aren’t too high at all
A: “Oh? What make you say that?”
B: “The government couldn’t pay for Social security and other important programs without our tax dollars.
A: “Hmmm. Maybe you are right”
1)     (A) our new teacher?                                              Answer:  (d)
2)      (B) demonstration?                                                Answer:   (a)
3)     (A) my new shoes?                                                 Answer:   (b)
4)     (C) scholarship program for the students?              Answer:   (e)
5)     (D) plants cloning?                                                  Answer:   (c)
   Answer the question using the expressions opinions
  1. What do you think about
  2. Do you believe
  3. What is your opinion
  4. What is the topic of
  5. How about
Evaluasi akhir
1. As I see, it can help us to find various kinds of information from all fields.
2.  To my mind, it is enough difficult examination for students.
3.  I believe that it is an interesting sport to test our brain skill.
4.  In my opinion, it is a very serious problem for our earth.
5.  Well, as I see, it is an unfamiliar music in our country.
  1. Assessment
Tes tertulis:
  1. Menuliskan opini terhadap keywords yang diberikan
  2. Menyusun expressing opinions dalam bentuk kalimat.
Tes speaking: Berdialog didepan kelas dengan menggunakan expressing opinions.
1.      Rubik penilaian

Elemen yang dinilai
Sekor maksimal
Penilaian peserta didik




Face/body expression


Tulungagung, 04  September 2013
Guru pamong

Anang Dwi C.,S.Pd
NIP. 197712102005011002

Guru Praktik

Hanik khoirotun nikmah
NIM. 3213103071

Mata Pelajaran            : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester             : VIII/ I
Alokasi Waktu             :  2 X 40 Menit
Keterampilan               : Speaking
  1. Standar Kompetensi
Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek dan mudah difahami dalam dialog maupun tulisan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dalam memberikan & merespon pujian.
2.      Kompetensi Dasar
Memahami dan merespon percakapan transaksional(to get thing done) dan interpersonal (sosialisasi) dalam dialog ataupun secara tertulis dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dalam memberikan & merespon pujian.
3.      Tujuan
    1. Siswa mampu mengungkapkan dan merespon pujian dengan  mengunakan pronoun yang benar
    2. Secara berpasangan siswa mampu menuliskan giving and responding to compliments dengan lancar
    3. Siswa mampu menyusun giving and responding compliments secara tepat kedalam keywords yang diberikan dengan benar sesuai dengan konten
4.      Indikator
    1. Siswa mampu mengungkapkan dan merespon pujian
    2. Secara berpasangan siswa mampu menuliskan giving and responding to compliments
    3. Siswa mampu menyusun giving and responding compliments secara tepat kedalam keywords yang diberikan.
5.       Materi Pelajaran
Today we will study about giving and responding to compliments. Compliments are expression of admiration, respect or praise. We all like to receive compliment, they make us feel good about ourselves.

There are 4 various kinds of compliment, namely:
  1. Compliments of appearance (pujian pada penampilan)*
-          You really have….
-          You look…..
-          How …. you look tonight
-          I like your…., it’s very…
-          I love your…., it’s very…
  1. Compliments on skill or talents (pujian pada skill atau bakat)*
-          I didn’t know you could….well.
-          Your….so well/getting better/getting stronger.
-          You are great/smart….
2.      Compliments on work accomplished (pujian pada hasil kerja/kemahiran)**
-          I don’t know how you did it, but….
-          Congratulations. I heard you/your…. . That is great news.
-          This/these….is/are very delicious.
3.      Compliments on possessions (pujian pada barang/orang)**
-          Your new….is very nice/good.
-          Your….is generous/lovely.
-          I like your…., it’s very….
-          I love your…., it’s very….
There are some ways to respond the compliments above, such as:
  1. Thank you / Thank you so much)*     5.   I am glad you like/enjoy it/them**
  2. Thank you for the compliment           6.   Thanks, I am really like it/them.
  3. Thank you for saying so
  4. It’s nice of you to say so
 You really have beautiful eyes
-   You look handsome today
-    How nice you look this morning
-    I like your cut hair.
-    I love your baby face.
-   I didn’t know you could sing so well.
-   Your English speaking is so well.
-   You are great writer.
-   I don’t know how you did it, but this room is so clean now.
-   Congratulations, I heard your study had finished early. That is great news.
-   These cakes are very delicious
 Your new shoes is very good.
-   Your father is very generous.
-    I like your bag, it’s very cute.
* Pujian untuk poin 1 dan 2 pada umumnya direspon dengan respon 1 – 4, sementara **pujian poin 3 dan 4 biasanya direspon dengan respon 5 – 6.
Contoh dalam bentuk dialog:
Staff            : What a beautiful dress, Ms. Elliot.
Guest          :Thanks, I’m glad you like it.
Staff            : Your new hair-do looks absolutely gorgeous, Mrs. Simpson.
Guest          : How kind of you to say so.
Guest          : My compliments to the chef. This linguine is superb.
Staff            : Thank you ma’am. I’ll be sure to let the chef know.
Guest          : Your English is very good.
Staff            : Thank you very much.
Staff            : Excellent game Mr. Johnson. You really gave me a workout.
Guest          : Thanks, I guess all those private lessons are finally paying off.
Guest         : I really appreciate all the extra work you did on helping us solve that problem. It truly went above and beyond. My compliments to your work ethic.
Staff           : Thank you sir, how kind of you to say so.
6.      Teknik Pembelajaran: Presentation, Practice, Production

7.      Langkah – Langkah Pembelajaran
    1. Brain Storming
Guru memberikan pertanyaan seputar compliments kepada siswa:
  1. Have you ever given a compliment?
  2. What do you usually say if you want to give compliments to the other people?
  3. What do you usually say if someone give compliment to you?
  4. So, what is the compliment means?
  5. Whilst Activity
    1. Presentation:
-  Guru menuliskan ungkapan giving and responding to compliments.
-  Guru bersama siswa membaca ungkapan – ungkapan tersebut.
-  Guru menjelaskan dan memberikan contoh complimenting and responding.
2.      Practice:
- Writing: Guru memperlihatkan beberapa gambar dan meminta siswa menuliskan pujian terhadap gambar – gambar tersebut.(terlampir)
Keterangan untuk tiap gambar:
  1. Design flower – skill/talent  *  7. HP can operate now- work accomplish
  2. Cakes – work accomplish     8. Violin game – skill/talent
  3. House – possession                            9. Smart presenter – skill/talent
  4. Guitar – possession                           10. New car – possession
  5. Yacht – possession                11. Juice – work accomplis
  6. Nice smile – appearance       12. Play piano – skill/talent
Answer: 1. I didn’t know you could design flower well.
- Speaking: Secara berpasangan siswa mengungkapkan giving and responding to compliments dalam bentuk dialog.(terlampir Modul page 22).
Sam: “Double two – three seven – two – eight – three.
Jill   : “Hello, is that Sam?”
Sam: “Speaking!”
Jill   : “Jill, how lovely to hear you! Did you have a good time in   Paris?”
Sam:”Yes, I had a wonderful time. And I’ve passed the exams!”
Jill   :”That’s wonderful news. Congratulations!”
Sam:”Thank you very much. And how are you?”
Jill   :”I’m fine, thanks. Look, how about meeting for a drink?”
Sam:”I’d love to. What about this evening?”
3.      Production:
Siswa diminta untuk menyusun secara benar short conversation yang diacak oleh guru:
A:  that sweater looks good on you
A:  those are nice sunglasses
B:  Thanks. I bought them at Macy’s yesterday
B:  Thanks. I bought it at Marcy’s yesterday
A:  Well, it’s very nice. Was it expensive?
A:  Well, they’re great. Were they expensive?
B:  No. they were on sale
B:  No. it was on sale

Siswa menyusun kembali giving and responding to compliments secara tepat sesuai dengan keywords yang diberikan.
1)    Categorize the following keywords into the four types of complimenting!
2)    Arrange the following keywords into the correct complimenting and responding!
1. New shoes                 3. Smooth skin           5. Tennis game                                 2. Play piano so well     4. Father                     6. Sweater
Answer: New shoes (Complimenting of possession)
Complimenting: Your new shoes is very nice
Responding: Thanks, I am really like it.
7.      Sumber Belajar
    1. Modul Diklat bahasa Inggris tingkat 2 semester IV h.20
    2. Say It Naturally h.29
8.      Media Pembelajaran: Gambar (terlampir)
  1. Evaluasi
ü  Categorize the following keywords into the four types of complimenting!
ü  Arrange the following keywords into the correct complimenting and responding!
ü  Keywords:
1)  New shoes.
2)  Ani looks beautiful tonight.
3)  James’ mother had a baby
4)  New cut hair
5)  Coffee
6)  The computers operate well now
Example:A: New shoes (Complimenting of possession)
B: Complimenting: Your new shoes is very nice
Responding: Thanks, I am really like it.
Kunci Jawaban:
  1. Design flower – skill/talent (I didn’t know you could design flower well)
  2. Nice smile – appearance (You really has nice smile)
  3. Cakes – work accomplish (These cakes are very delicious)
  4. House – possession (I like your house, it’s very beautiful)
  5. Guitar – possession (Your guitar is very artistic)
  6. Yacht – possession (I love your yacht, it’s very lux)
  7. HP can operate now- work accomplish (I don’t know how you did it, but this HP can operate now)
  8. Violin game – skill/talent (Your violin game getting better)
  9. Smart presenter – skill/talent (You are a smart presenter).
  10. New car – possession (Your new car is very good)
  11. Juice – work accomplish (This juice is very delicious)
  12. Play piano – skill/talent (I didn’t know you could play piano so well)
A:  that sweater looks good on you                     A:  those are nice sunglasses.
B:  thanks I bought it at Macy’s yesterday          B:  Thanks I bought them at Macy’s    yesterday
A:  well, it’s very nice. Was it expensive?          A:  Well, they’re great. Were they expensive?
B:  No. It was on sale.                                          B:  No. they were
Evaluasi akhir:(terlampir)
  1. Categorize the following keywords into the four types of complimenting:
  2. New shoes (Complimenting of possession)
  3. Play piano so well (complimenting of skill/talent)
  4. Smooth skin (appearance)
  5. Father  (possession)
  6. Tennis game  (skill/talent)
  7. Sweater  (possession)
    1. Arrange the keywords into the corret complimenting and responding
    2. Complimenting: Your new shoes is very nice
Responding: Thanks, I am really like it.
  1. Complimenting: I didn’t know you could play piano so well.
Responding: Thank you for the compliment
  1. Complimenting: You really have smooth skin
Responding: Thank you so much
  1. Complimenting: Your father is very generous.
Responding: Thanks, I am really like him.
  1. Complimenting: Your tennis game getting stronger.
Responding: It’s nice of you to say so.
  1. Complimenting: Your sweater is very lovely.
Responding: I am glad you like it.
Evaluasi akhir:
  1. Categorize the following keywords into the four types of complimenting:
    1. New shoes (possession)
    2. Ani looks beautiful tonight  (appearance)
    3. James’ mother had a baby  (work accomplish)
    4. New cut hair  (appearance)
    5. Coffee  (work accomplish)
    6. The computer operates well now.  (work accomplish)
    7. Arrange the keywords into the corret complimenting and responding
1)      Complimenting: Your new shoes is very nice
Responding: Thanks, I am really like it.
2)      Complimenting: You look beautiful tonight Ani.
Responding: It’s nice of you to say so
3)      Complimenting: Congratulation, James. I heard that your mother had a baby. That is great news.
Responding: Thanks, I’m really like it.
4)      Complimenting: I like your new cur hair, it’s very attractive.
Responding: Thank you for saying so
5)      Complimenting: This coffee is very delicious.
Responding: I am glad you like it.
6)      Complimenting: I don’t know how you did it, but the computers operate well now.
Responding: I am glad you enjoy it.
9.      Assesment
Tes tertulis:
  1. Menuliskan pujian terhadap gambar – gambar yang diberikan
  2. Menyusun giving and responding to compliments berdasarkan keywords yang diberikn.
Tes speaking:Berdialog didepan kelas dengan mnggunakan ungkapan giving and responding to compliments.
10.  Rubik penilaian

Elemen yang dinilai
Sekor maksimal
Penilaian peserta didik




Face/body expression


Tulungagung, 04  September 2013
Guru pamong

Anang Dwi C.,S.Pd
NIP. 197712102005011002

Guru Praktik

Hanik khoirotun nikmah
NIM. 3213103071

Mata Pelajaran             : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester            : VIII/ I
Alokasi Waktu             :  2 X 40 Menit
Keterampilan               : Speaking and writing
  1. Standar Kompetensi
Mengungkapkan makna dalam berargument baik secar tulisan ataupun lisan sesuai dengan kehidupan sehari-hari.
2.      Kompetensi Dasar
Memahami dan merespon percakapn transaksioanl(to get thing done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) dengan mengunakan bahasa yang akurat sesuai dengan sesuai dengan argument yang tepat.
3.      Tujuan
    1. Siswa dapat menuliskan argumennya dalam bentuk dialog dengan pronoun yang benar
    2. Siswa dapat mengungkapkan argumennya sesuai dengan konten
    3. Siswa dapat menyusun kembali expressing arguments dengan lancar
    4. Siswa dapat membedakan penggunaan possessive pronouns dengan benar
4.      Indikator
    1. Siswa dapat menuliskan argumennya dalam bentuk dialog.
    2. Siswa dapat mengungkapkan argumennya.
    3. Siswa dapat menyusun kembali expressing arguments
    4. Siswa dapat membedakan penggunaan possessive pronouns
  1. Materi
Our topic today is expressing arguments. Argument is discussion or reason for or against something.
Expressing arguments:
Ø  I believe that…..
Ø   I know what you mean, but….
Ø  It is a fact that….
Ø  Another reason is….
Ø  The first reason why ….is….
Ø  Besides…..
Ø  Secondly…..
Ø  In addition…
Ø    It is important/essential to remember….
Ø   Furthermor..
Ø   The first thing we have to consider is…
Ø   For examples/instance…..
Tommy and Tina discuss whether to hire a big room or smaller room for a party for costumers. They don’t know how many people will attend.
Tina          : “I believe that we should hire the big room because it’s better to have too much space than not enough.”
Tommy    : ”On the other hand, it is important to remember that we might have to pay a lot of money for space we don’t need.”
Tina          : ”I know what you mean, but if a lot of people come, we will need the space.”
Tommy     : “Surely, the most important is to lave costs where we can.”
Tina        :“That is right. In addition, if the room too small, our costumer will leave, and that could cost us a lot!”
Contoh lain:
Format dialog yang harus disusun oleh siswa:
A  : “Don’t you like this rug?”
B  : “Yes, it’s very nice, but I don’t think we can afford it.”
A  : “No.”
B  : “No, I don’t think so. Remember, our Bank account is pretty low right now and we still haven’t paid last month’s telephone bill.”
A  : “ Hmmm…..You are right.”
B  : “And besides, we don’t really need a rug right now, do we?”
A  : “I suppose no.”


Sebagai adjective= letaknya sebelum kata benda
Example : This  is mybook
This is your book
These are our book
Sebagai possessive= tidak diikuti oleh kata benda. Kadang-kadang pula setelah “of” yang menyertai noun
Example : this is mine
This is yours
This is ours
  1. Teknik Pembelajaran: Presentation, practice, production
  2. Langkah – langkah kegiatan
a.       Brain storming: Guru menanyakan kepada siswa tentang expressing arguments
·         Have you ever hold argument to the other people?
·         What do you usually say if you arguing with others?
·         Do you know what is the argument’s mean?

b.      Whilst Activity
    1. Presentation: -   Guru menuliskan expressing arguments
·         Guru bersama siswa membaca expressing arguments.
·         Guru menjelaskan dan memberikan contoh expressing arguments.

b.      Practice:
Writing: Siswa menuliskan argument dalam bentuk dialog.(modul page 36 part II/B ).
A:  Don’t you like this rug?
B:  yes. it’s very nice, but Idon’t think(1)we can afford it
A:  No.
B: No. I don’t think so. Remember…(2)our bank account is pretty low   right now and we still haven’t paid last month’s telephone bill.
A:  Hmm. You’re right.(3)
B:  And besides, we don’t really need a rug right now, do we?
A:  I suppose not.(4)
And than students do the same based on the following box
a)      Video cassette recorder
Make this month’s car payment
b)       Camera
Pay this month’s gas bill
·         Speaking: Siswa mengungkapkan argumennya secara berpasangan berdasarkan dialog – dialog diatas.
c.       Production:
Siswa menyusun kembali kalimat – kalimat tentang arguing secara benar. (Modul page 36 part IV/A)
1)      I have….own ideas. ( I have my own ideas)
2)      She presented….point of view.
3)      We are entitles to….own opinions.
4)      They finally resolved….differences.
5)      You have your opinion, and they have….
6)      I presented my beliefs and he presented….
6.      Sumber Belajar
    1. Modul diklat Bahasa Inggris Tingkat 2 semester IV h.35
    2. http://www.uefap.com/writing/function/argueex2.htm

7.      Media:
-          Pictures/Flash cards
  1. Evaluasi
ü  Look your modul page 36 part II/B, and then arrange the following keywords into dialog form:
a)      Portable color TV
b)      Get birthday presents for the grandchildren
c)      Grandfather clock

ü  Write a check for this month’s check
ü  Yacht
ü   Send in our country club dues
Fill the blank in the following sentences:
  1. You’ve already presented….view, haven’t you?
  2. The speaker had his point of view, and I had….
  3. If you’ll think about my view point, I’ll consider….
  4. Just as you have a right to your ideas, we have a right….
  5. The man and women were able to settle, but his view were different from….
Kunci Jawaban:
Writing: Siswa menulis argument dalam bentuk dialog:
1. A: “Don’t you like this video cassette recorder.
B: “It is a fact that, it’s very nice, but it is important to remember that we can afford it.”
A: ”No.”
B: “No, I don’t think so. The first thing we have to consider is our Bank account is pretty low right now and we still haven’t Make this month’s car payment.”
A: ““ Hmmm…..You are right.”
B: “And besides, we don’t really need a video cassette recorder right now, do we?”
A: “I suppose no.”
  1. A: “Don’t you like this camera.
B: “I believe that, it’s very nice, but it is essential to remember that we can afford it.”
A: ”No.”
B: “No, I don’t think so. Another reason is our Bank account is pretty low right now and we still haven’t paid this month’s gas.”
A: ““ Hmmm…..You are right.”
B: “And besides, we don’t really need a camera right now, do we?”
A: “I suppose no.”
1)  I have my own ideas.
2)  She presented her point of view.
3)  We are entitles to our own opinions.
4)  They finally resolved their differences.
5)  You have your opinion, and they have theirs.
6)  I presented my beliefs and he presented his.
Evaluasi terakhir:
  1. The dialog form:
    1. A: “Don’t you like this portable color TV.
B: “It is a fact that, it’s very nice, but it is important to remember that we can afford it.”
A: ”No.”
B: “No, I don’t think so. The first thing we have to consider is our Bank account is pretty low right now and we still haven’t get birthday presents for the grandchildren.”
A: ““ Hmmm…..You are right.”
B: “And besides, we don’t really need a portable color TV right now, do we?”
A: “I suppose no.”
  1. A: “Don’t you like this Grandfather clock.
B: “I believe that it’s very nice, I know what your mean, but we can afford it.”
A: ”No.”
B: “No, I don’t think so. The first thing we have to consider is our Bank account is pretty low right now and we still haven’t write a check for this month’s check.”
A: ““ Hmmm…..You are right.”
B: “And besides, we don’t really need a Grandfather clock right now, do we?”
A: “I suppose no.”
  1. A: “Don’t you like this yacht.
B: “It is a fact that, it’s very nice, but it is important to remember that we can afford it.”
A: ”No.”
B: “No, I don’t think so. Furthermore is our Bank account is pretty low right now and we still haven’t send in our country club dues.
A: ““ Hmmm…..You are right.”
B: “And besides, we don’t really need a yacht right now, do we?”
A: “I suppose no.”
  1. B.  Fill the blank in the following sentences:
1. You’ve already presented your view, haven’t you?
2. The speaker had his point of view, and I had mine.
3. If you’ll think about my view point, I’ll consider yours.
4. Just as you have a right to your ideas, we have a right ours.
5. The man and women were able to settle, but his view were different from theirs.

8.      Assessment
Ø  Tes tertulis
  1. Membuat sebuah dialog yang mengandung ungkapan arguing.
  2. Melengkapi kalimat yang mengandung ungkapan arguing.
  3. Tes speaking : Berdialog didepan kelas bersama pasangan.

9.      Rubik penilaian

Elemen yang dinilai
Sekor maksimal
Penilaian peserta didik




Face/body expression


Tulungagung, 04  September 2013
Guru pamong

Anang Dwi C.,S.Pd
NIP. 197712102005011002

Guru Praktik

Hanik khoirotun nikmah
NIM. 3213103071

Mata Pelajaran            : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester          : VIII/ I
Alokasi Waktu             :  2 X 40 Menit
Keterampilan               : Writing
  1. Standar Kompetensi
Mengungkapkan makna dalam pemakaian degree of comparison dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dalam bentuk tulisan sesuai dengan prosedur yang ada.
2.      Kompetensi Dasar
Memahami instruksi – instruksi sederhana dalam pemakaian degree of comparison dalam kehidupan sehari-hari secara akurat sesuai dengan prosedur yang ada.
3.      Tujuan
    1. Siswa dapat menuliskan pemakaian degrees of comparison dalam kalimat sesuai dengan pronoun yang benar.
    2. Siswa dapat menuliskan masing – masing sebuah contoh degrees of comparison sesuai dengan konten
    3. Siswa mampu menyebutkan perbedaan dalam degrees of comparison dengan lancar
    4. Siswa mampu menyusun secara benar penggunaan degrees of comparison dengan benar.
4.      Indikator
    1. Siswa dapat menuliskan pemakaian degrees of comparison dalam kalimat.
    2. Siswa dapat menuliskan masing – masing sebuah contoh degrees of comparison.
    3. Siswa mampu menyebutkan perbedaan dalam degrees of comparison
    4. Siswa mampu menyusun secara benar penggunaan degrees of comparison.

5.      Materi
Degrees of Comparison
There are three kinds of degrees of comparison, namely:
  1. Positive degree is used to compare 2 persons/things which have the same character.
  2. Comparative degree is used to compare 2 persons/things which have different character.
  3. Superlative degree is used to compare person/thing with the others in the same group.
  1. Positive degree:
-                    Andi is 17 years old.
-                    Tommy is 17 years old
-                    Andi is as old as Tommy
Person/ thing  +  to be  +  as…..as  +  person/thing
  1. Comparative degree:
-                     Andi is 17 years old.
-                    Ani is 16 years old.
-                    Andi is the oldest than Ani/Ani is the youngest than Andi.

-                    Michelle comes to school every day.
-                    ack comes to school four days a week.
-                     Michelle is more diligent than Jack
Person/thing + tobe+ …..er + than + person/thing
Person/thing + tobe + more……+ than + person/thing
  1. Superlative degree:
1.      Andi is 17 years old
Ani is 16 years old
2.      Karin is 15 years old.
Karin is the youngest of all children.
3.      Michelle comes to school every day.
Jack comes to school four days a week.
Sam comes to school two days a week.
Michelle is the most diligent student in the school.
Person/thing + to be+ the …..est + person/thing
Person/thing + to be + the most……+ person/thing
The rules in constructing degrees of comparison:
v One syllable, adding –er / – est
v One syllable and ending – e, just adding – r / – st
v One syllable, ending in consonant following a vowel, just doubling the consonant,  adding – er /- est
v One syllable, ending in – y following consonant, dropping y to -i and adding –er / -est
v Two syllable, ending in: -ow, – le, -er, – y, -and some, just adding – er/ – est
v More than one syllable, following more- / most-
More beautifulMore diligent
Most beautifulMost diligent
Irregular adjectives:
6.      Teknik Pembelajaran : P P P (Presentation. Practice, Production)
  1. Langkah – langkah Kegiatan
1)    Brainstorming
Teacher asks four students to come forward and ask the others:
  1. Here are four your friends, could you tell me who the tallest among them?
  2. Who is has the same high?
  3. Who is shorter between ….. and …..?
2)    Kegiatan Inti
a)    Presentation:
  1.  Guru menjelaskan pengertian / kegunaan degrees  of comparison.
    1. Guru menuliskan jenis – jenis degrees of comparison.
    2. Bersama guru, siswa mengidentifikasi perbedaan dalam degrees of comparison.
b)    Practice
  1. Writing 1: Siswa diminta untuk menuliskan pemakaian degrees of comparison dalam kalimat berdasarkan keyword yang diberikan.
  1. Expensive (gold / diamond) – of all accessories*
  2. Hot (paper / chili) – seasoning
  3. Easy ( English / Math) – of all subjects
  4. Dangerous (dog / cat) – in the zoo
  5. Good (reading book / shopping) – of the other hobbies
  6. Famous (Britney / Agnes) – female singer
*Expensive:  Gold is as expensive as diamond
Gold is more expensive than diamond
Gold is the most expensive of all accessories
  1. Writing 2:  Siswa diminta untuk menuliskan contoh untuk masing – masing degree of comparison.
c)    Production
Siswa diminta untuk menyusun secara benar degrees of comparison yang diacak oleh guru.
  1. Sinta ….. her mother                                       a)  is the highest
  2. Andi’s room …. Jimmy’s room                      b)  are funnier
  3. My mother …. Woman in my life                   c)  is more modern than
  4. Japan …. Indonesia                                         d)  is faster than
  5. A horse …. A giraffe                                       e)  is the noblest
  6. They …. Students in the class                          f)  is larger than
  7. Our dolls …. Your dolls                                   g)  is the most important
  8. English …. Of the other languages                  h)  am the youngest
  9. I …. Son in my family                                      i)  is as beautiful as
  10. Everest mountain …. Mountain in the word     j)  are the laziest
7.      Sumber Belajar
    1. Directive English Grammar
    2. Essential English Grammar
    3. The Heinemann English Grammar
8.      Media Pembelajaran: People
ü  Students and all things in the class
ü  Pictures

9.      Evaluasi
Fill the blank in the following sentences:
  1. Baseball is …. sport in the USA. (popular)
  2. She is …. her brothers. (serious)
  3. Laskar Pelangi …. film I ever seen. (good)
  4. He is …. any of his brothers. (generous)
  5. Sunday is one of …. days of my life. (enjoyable)
  6. Where is …. place in the world? (hot)
Answer: 1. Baseball is the most popular sport in the USA.

Kunci Jawaban:
Writing 1:
1)  – Gold is as expensive as diamond
- Gold is more expensive than diamond
- Gold is the most expensive of all accessories
3)  – Paper is as hot as chili
-  Paper is hotter than chili
-  Paper is the hottest seasoning
4)  – English is as easy as Math
-  English is easier than Math
-  English is the easiest than Math
5)  – Dog is as dangerous as cat
-  Dog is more dangerous than cat
-  Dog is the most dangerous in the zoo
6)  – Reading book is as good as shopping
-  Reading book is better than shopping
-  Reading book is the best of the other hobbies
7)  – Britney is as famous as Agnes
-  Britney is more famous than Agnes
-  Britney is the most famous than Agnes

  1. i)                   3. e)                5.  d)                7.  b)                          9.  h)
  2. f)                   4. c)                6.   j)                8.  g)                         10.a)
Evaluasi Akhir:
  1. the most popular                   3. The best                     5. The most enjoyable
  2. more serious than                 4. More generous than   6. The hottest
  1. Assesment
Tes tertulis:
  1. Membuat kalimat berbentuk degrees of comparison
  2. Menyusun secara benar penggunaandegree of comparison
  3. Melengkapi kalimat – kalimat berbentuk degrees of comparison

1Rubrik Penilaian
Structure benar, spelling benar
structure benar, spelling kurang tepat
Structure  dan spelling bahasa kurang tepat
Tidak menjawab

    1. Pedoman Penilaian.
1. Untuk tiap nomor, tiap jawaban benar skor 5
2. Jumlah skor maksimal  x 2             
3. Nilai maksimal = 100
4. Nilai Siswa =

Tulungagung, 04  September 2013
Guru pamong

Anang Dwi C.,S.Pd
NIP. 197712102005011002

Guru Praktik

Hanik khoirotun nikmah
NIM. 3213103071

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